The Chinese government and the Central Military Commission recently issued a document that aims to improve the commendation and protection of martyrs.
It said more laws, regulations and supporting policies should be put in place to build a comprehensive martyr commendation work system.
Family members of martyrs should receive more assistance and care in terms of mental health, livelihood, housing, pension, medical care, employment, education and other services. Authorities should particularly strengthen policy support that helps martyrs' families find jobs or start businesses.
The document also proposed upgrading the quality of martyr memorial facilities, improving their protection and management by clarifying responsibilities, and making use of information technologies in their maintenance.
It also called for more publicity and promotion of martyrs' stories, as well as carrying out activities for the public to pay tribute to and remember martyrs and learn from their spirit.
It said schools should organize regular visits to martyr memorial facilities, and writers will be encouraged to create more excellent literary works to spread the stories of martyrs and promote their spirit.
The search for the missing martyrs' remains and their family members should continue, and authorities should resolutely crack down on any words or acts that distort, vilify, desecrate or deny their deeds and spirit.
Portable Explosive and Drugs Detector
The device is based on the principle of ion mobility spectrum (IMS), using a new non-radioactive ionization source, which can detect and analyze trace explosive and drugs particles, and the detection sensitivity reaches the nanogram level. The special swab is swabbed and sampled on the surface of the suspicious object. After the swab is inserted into the detector, the detector will immediately report the specific composition and type of explosives and drugs.

Post time: Mar-28-2022